Urgent Prayer Needed.. Help me Pray

Just got a call from Carlos and Oscar has taken a horrible turn for the worse. Yesterday he was playing and having a great time but in the middle of the night something happen and his lungs filled with fluid and his kidney stopped working.

He is in intensive care and unconscious. The doctor is telling us his body is shutting down and they do not think they can keep him alive much longer.

Please pray for a miracle of the Lord but must important pray for God's will for Oscar.

Please pray for him..............Pray for me.


P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens..

That is exactly what you are doing. I have gotten so many comments from folks that they have been praying for Oscar and it has been so uplifting. I feel like Moses these days, needing someone to hold up my arms for me during this battle, I truly can not imagine what Oscar's parents feel like.

I finally got word today that the Doctors are now saying that his counts are normal..... Yes I said Normal...

She told Carlos that she is not sure how the medicine worked so well but it did and his counts have gone from extremely high which meant that he was in kidney failure to being normal in a day.

She told him that as of right now she sees no signs other than the kidney is functioning normally and his body is accepting it. Could that change? Maybe, but not if people like you praying for him.

All signs as of today look as what ever was causing his counts to be high are gone and his body is functioning as normal as possible.

This is a huge PRAISE REPORT... To God be the Glory.  He is truly the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

He is so faithful, even when I am not. I had the hardest time praying today. I will admit, last night I was angry with God. I felt like He was letting me down and I was not about to accept that. That is not the God I serve. I don't know about you but I have no problem telling God what I think. Knowing He will still love me even if I yell at him gives me the comfort in knowing I can be real with him.

God knows my heart is to see this little boy grow to testify of His mercy and grace and His healing power so I am pretty sure He understands my frustrations. I'm glad I serve a God I can be honest with, don't you.

This is extremely hard for me I won't lie. I am so attached to this child that I can't see things any other way but God knows that in the deepest part of my soul I only want God's will for Oscar, even if I don't agree with it. It's hard to get to that place sometimes.

I challenge all of you that are struggling through battles in your life to ask yourself if you truly want the will of God or do you want it your way? Based on that answer you mind figure out why you are in the middle of that struggle to begin with.

This battle for Oscar is stretching my faith farther than it's ever been and just like when you stretch out during exercising  there are pains to follow. Today I am having those pains but No Pain, No Gain, right?

Praise God today His will and His plan was to remove that sickness from Oscar.

Thanks to all of you what have been on the throne for Oscar. Please continue we are not out of the woods yet. We're over this mountain for now and striving to move forward. I will keep you posted as I have more information. Put him on your daily prayer list until further notice.

God bless all of you, smile today knowing your prayers were heard and answered by our loving Father..


Pray, Pray, Pray.. Please pray..

Just got word from Carlos that Oscar is having problems. They did a special blood test and his Creatinine blood levels are too high.

Carlos was not sure what that meant exactly but stated the doctor is very upset and concerned and told the family that this is a possible sign of kidney failure.

They ordered a special medicine and he has been on it for two days and they will retest him again. The problem is of course the tests are expensive so the mom didn't ask me for any more money until now. She was hoping if they waited he would be fine but now it has gotten worse. She borrowed the money needed and got the test done and now the doctor needs to do the second test.

I sent Carlos to pay for the second test tomorrow.

We need to cover him in prayer now that when that blood is drawn from him it will be clean and will be pure and cleansed with God's healing power. No sickness, no high levels of anything that should not be high.

We have come so far, I refuse to give up now...

Pray for him with me, pray for his perfect healing. God's will for our lives is to be WHOLE. I claim that over little Oscar. Jesus already paid for all his sickness and BY JESUS's stripes Oscar IS HEALED.

Let's come together and stand in the gap for Oscar today.

I'll let you know when I have more to tell you.


Another community learning to grow a garden

While in Somotillo this trip I ask my assistant Evert to help us find a community that needed support but was willing to put in the work. He took us to one community and we met with them but the entire time I spoke to them I just did not feel led to work there. We let them know we would be praying about helping them but had other communities we were visiting and if God permitted we would be back, if not we knew that God had other plans for their community.

After leaving Evert went on a scouting trip. He visited four different communities and found Sa Bieta. It's about 20 minutes from Somotillo and right in the middle of two very popular communities. For several years both of those communities have had teams coming to them but they just pass by them. One lady told me she often wondered if there was something wrong with them and that's why no one wanted to help them. Needless to say they were very blessed to know that we had come and was in fact willing to help them.

The leader of the community is very open minded. Some leaders are set in their ways and feel they know everything and it's their way or else but not him. He was so grateful for our support. In the Somotillo area when a leader of a community gets people to help he is looked at as a power individual and it helps him to be more respected. This is to our advantage because then he is more willing to allow us to direct him.

He worked hard that day to get all the community together on a last minute notice to talk to Evert and get commitments from them. Instead of just showing up and giving out tools with no strings attached I am working with Evert who works with a national company that has taught him skills in getting communities to work together as a team. This program requires them to come to a bible study and hear about Jesus in order to receive additional help.

It sounds a little controlling but trust me it's working great in Coffradia. Now almost every household there has accepted Christ just through the weekly bible studies.

Sa Bieta is a very poor community like Coffradia and most of the men are out working each day and again the woman are responsible for the gardens. I think they actually like it because they are contributing in a different way and they can see how their contributions are affecting the household with each visit to the garden they make.

We purchased 10 hoes, 10 matics, 27 irrigation systems, seeds for each family (tomatoes, peppers, squash and cucumbers) fertilizers for all 27 families. They were excited to see the help. They only have a garden once a year because they have no way to irrigate them and the soil is just to bad for the crops to grow without water on a consistent basis.

During our distribution of the tools we also gave each family a set of clothes for their kids, a toy for each child, bracelets for each teenage girl and necklaces for the boys. After that distribution one of the team members Alisha, noticed we had enough gospel bracelets and recommended that we give them out. I had not considered talking to them specifically about salvation but felt if God was prompting Alisha maybe I should.

I took the bracelet and walked them through the gospel explaining that their decision needed to be based on their desire to live for eternity and not because they wanted my help. I would help them no matter what. I ask them to pray and to stand and show they made that commitment and over 50 people stood before each other confessing they had prayed to accept Christ. Way to Go Alisha for listening to the Holy Spirit..

Evert has been visiting each week and helping them get started with their gardens. I can't wait to get the first photos of this new communities gardens.

Check out the families of Sa Bieta in the photo gallery. Pray for their success.

Thanks again to all that has help with the garden projects.

A huge thank you goes out to Mechanicsville Baptist Church VBS kids. Their children raised $700 to help with this community.  It's great to see children working to help other children have a better life.

Stay tuned for more about Sa Bieta.


God Bless,


ps. Oscar and mom are still doing well. Keep praying over their immune systems.

Garden Project a huge success...

Every time I go to Nicaragua I come home wondering if what I just did mattered to anyone other than me. It is really hard to tell sometimes and the best intentions can be great in your mind and not be for those you are trying to reach.

This trip to Coffradia was amazing. God used those wonderful families to truly bless me instead of me blessing them.

I arrived to the entrance of the community to a "Rolling of the Red Carpet". They had used left over fertilizer and rocks to make a "red carpet" effect. On the side of the entrance is a brick wall they had cleaned and painted "Welcome Ally" on it . (ll says "G" in Spanish). They even wrote it on the big rocks that are at the corner of the school.

The leader of the community and some of the key people were waiting for me with homemade signs. This was a huge sacrifice for them. I am sure it cost them a days wages to buy the paper. I am hanging those signs in my house as a reminder of why I do what I do. Each sign basically said, "we the community of Coffradia want to say thank you for all that you are doing here in our community and for all the people who have helped you help us, we say thank you. Please continue to work in our community. We will pray that you are blessed for what you do and that you will always come back soon. We all love you very much."

Their kindness will forever be in my heart. For all of you who were the original ones that helped sponsor these families., those words are for you more than me. I have told them all about your kindness and your willingness to bless them. They are truly thankful. I have never seen or heard of a community doing anything like this before.

The school teacher allowed the students to have the morning off so we could have a meeting in the school. The kids were dressed in their best and had decorated the school. I am sure all the supplies were purchased by the teachers own personal money. I have visited the school many times and it always looked really bad. I often wondered why until the teacher shared with me that people are breaking into the school and damaging things all the time and the roof leaks really bad so during the school year it is hard for them to keep the school decorated and an exciting place to learn. Our kids are so blessed they have a comfortable place everyday to learn in.

As I talked to the families about their gardens I soon realized they were so proud of them. They were happy to show off their work and let me know they had been working hard. I keep asking if they want to stop and they keep telling me NO WAY. Some of them are on their 3rd or 4th gardens already. Others are having some problems with their soil that we hope will soon be resolved.

I was told again while I was there that this garden project should have never been a success. The soil is just not made to grow things. I continue to tell them that with God's assistance they can grow food in the worse conditions ever. God is showing off in Coffradia. He is showing them that He will provide for them. I don't have to be there to give God's testimony to them about His love for them, He's doing it every day all by Himself.

Check out the pictures of the Welcome, the School and the Gardens on my website by clicking here.

I can not thank all of you enough for what you are doing in this community. I also can't express to you the thankfulness of this community. They are working hard trying to learn the correct way to keep their gardens growing. They are meeting every week with the trainer who is not only teaching them about their gardens but about God and His love for them. Only because of YOU... this can be done.

Let me know what you think about this project.

God Bless,
