Operation Education 2024
We are currently accepting sponsors for our kids for the 2024 school year that runs from February thru November.
Our program provides the opportunity for kids to go to school which here in the US we take this privilege for granted. In Nicaragua, only 1 out of every 3 students get to attend school. This is only occurs because of a lack of money to pay for the required uniforms. Although school is free in Nicaragua and uniforms are no longer a requirement the stigma of not having a uniform is overwhelming to the kids.
Our program provides these kids with their uniform, socks, shoes, backpack and supplies. This cost is a one time payment of $45.
The opportunity to sponsor these kids goes much farther than helping them go to school. It gives you as a sponsor the ability to form a relationship with these kids by communicating via letters to them. You get a chance to pray for them, encourage them and most importantly show them the love of Christ.
If you are interested in participating in this project, click the link below to select a child. If you are a returning sponsor and are keeping your current child, your student(s) picture will not be listed. To re-sponsor, select the picture named Re-Sponsor a change the quantity for the number of students your currently sponsor and your funds will be applied accordingly.
If you have any questions or problems please email me at "angie @ the power of one ministry.org" (without the spaces or quotes)
The mailing address is:
The Power of One Ministry
C/O Angie Honeycutt
804 Balsam Terrace
Charlotte, NC 28214
Click on the link below to view the students photos: