P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens..

That is exactly what you are doing. I have gotten so many comments from folks that they have been praying for Oscar and it has been so uplifting. I feel like Moses these days, needing someone to hold up my arms for me during this battle, I truly can not imagine what Oscar's parents feel like.

I finally got word today that the Doctors are now saying that his counts are normal..... Yes I said Normal...

She told Carlos that she is not sure how the medicine worked so well but it did and his counts have gone from extremely high which meant that he was in kidney failure to being normal in a day.

She told him that as of right now she sees no signs other than the kidney is functioning normally and his body is accepting it. Could that change? Maybe, but not if people like you praying for him.

All signs as of today look as what ever was causing his counts to be high are gone and his body is functioning as normal as possible.

This is a huge PRAISE REPORT... To God be the Glory.  He is truly the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

He is so faithful, even when I am not. I had the hardest time praying today. I will admit, last night I was angry with God. I felt like He was letting me down and I was not about to accept that. That is not the God I serve. I don't know about you but I have no problem telling God what I think. Knowing He will still love me even if I yell at him gives me the comfort in knowing I can be real with him.

God knows my heart is to see this little boy grow to testify of His mercy and grace and His healing power so I am pretty sure He understands my frustrations. I'm glad I serve a God I can be honest with, don't you.

This is extremely hard for me I won't lie. I am so attached to this child that I can't see things any other way but God knows that in the deepest part of my soul I only want God's will for Oscar, even if I don't agree with it. It's hard to get to that place sometimes.

I challenge all of you that are struggling through battles in your life to ask yourself if you truly want the will of God or do you want it your way? Based on that answer you mind figure out why you are in the middle of that struggle to begin with.

This battle for Oscar is stretching my faith farther than it's ever been and just like when you stretch out during exercising  there are pains to follow. Today I am having those pains but No Pain, No Gain, right?

Praise God today His will and His plan was to remove that sickness from Oscar.

Thanks to all of you what have been on the throne for Oscar. Please continue we are not out of the woods yet. We're over this mountain for now and striving to move forward. I will keep you posted as I have more information. Put him on your daily prayer list until further notice.

God bless all of you, smile today knowing your prayers were heard and answered by our loving Father..
