True Love is showing love to someone you don't know

Yesterday, all of the world people showed their spouses, children, boy/girl friends that they loved them through flowers, cards, candy, stuffed animals, a nice dinner and many more ways.

I heard the average person spent $50 telling someone they loved them. Just think if someone spent $50 on you every day, I mean surely Feb. 14th is not the only day I am loved, right?

Well I am asking you to dig deep and show someone you don't know that you love them through Christ and that God loves them even more than you do.

I support an orphanage in Nicaragua that most of you know about already and there are 14 little girls that every day of their lives they have NOone to show them they are loved. Think about for just a second, how would you feel if day by day passed and no one hugged you, or told you you were special and you were loved. After a while it would make you really sad.

Well my girls feel this way every day. All 14 of them.

I am asking those of you reading this to help me show them they are loved by purchasing them a new outfit and shoes for Easter or just for school. If you have used clothes you would like to give that is great also but I want them to receive at least one outfit and a pair of shoes.

I have all their sizes and I will pick up the stuff from you and deliver them there during the first week of March. I would also like each family to send them a love letter. What ever God lays on your heart, pictures of your family, pictures of your kids, what ever you feel but make it special. I will return with pictures of each child for your family.

Please pray and consider this. It does not have to be expensive. You can get a shorts outfit, a dress or pants outfit for $10 and new shoes, either sandles or tennis shoes for $5-8 at Walmart and K-Mart right now. So for no more than $20 you can bless a child's life who has no one to care for them and show them they are loved.

The House of Rose is not supported by anyone, yet. Their budget is only enough to feed them daily.

Please consider helping me. Of course, Terry and I will do my two girls so I only need 12 of you to help.

Please email me and I will give you a child's name and picture and all their sizes.

The bible tells us in James 1:27 that, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widos in thier distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Be Pure and Faultess and show true love...

My deadline is February 29th.

God Bless,
