It's that time of year again to help the children of Ceibita return to school next year. This years school term is almost over for them. They get out a month early this year because it is an election year but have to start earlier next year. I have been told all the kids are on track to pass to the next grade again this year which is unheard of around here. 50% or more do not pass their grades due to missing so much school, not our kids. The parents all appreciate so much that their kids are going to school and they make sure every day they are there and they are working hard to learn.
If you have sponsored a child in the past and want to sponsor that same child I need to know before I post their pictures as kids that need a sponsor.
Please let me know by email that you want your same child/children, if I do not hear from you I will assume you are not interested in sponsoring again this year.
This year I have had to raise the price by $5. The price of uniforms have been up a great deal. The sponsorship price is no $30. The deadline to pay for the sponsorship is October 25. I must have all money by then.
Your $30 will buy a full uniform with leather shoes and a nice backpack and some school supplies.
Please consider sending a child to school next year. It is truly the only thing they have to look forward to daily.
I will be posting pictures within days. Please don't delay getting back to me on your decision to re-sponsor your kids.
If you have never sponsored and you desire to I will be posting info on how you can do that soon.
God Bless,
ps. All is well here in Nicaragua. Please continue to pray as daily I face great challenges. God is helping us work through them.