Hi everyone, I am trying to get my trip in December arranged and since I was still working on the translator issue I previously wrote about so I have not purchased my airline ticket.
In a matter of ONE day tickets have doubled in prices. Although I have the money to spend on the higher ticket I simply do not want to. If I spend more money on the ticket that is less than I can spend on helping God's people.
Please be in agreement with me that the fares will change and I will get a SWEET deal on a ticket soon. The money I have for the ticket I had planned to do other things with so I really want those fares to be lowered.
I am still collecting baby clothes for a boy or a girl and still collecting school supplies. I will need all of them by at least Monday, Nov. 30th at the latest. Let me know if you have any for me.
Thanks to all of those who have already given me theirs. You will be richly blessed for your gifts to God's people.
Let's get praying guys and see what God does.