In our little community there is very little electricity. Most houses have none or maybe one bulb for the entire house. Recently our little church was blessed with power so now the people come at night when it's not as hot.

This specific night I got to be the guest speaker. I can honestly say I don't even remember what I said. It was all the Spirit of the Lord.

When I got there I was very emotional. I wasn't sure why but I knew in my heart something great was going to happen and happen it did.

For 5 years I have seen many people accepted the Lord as their personal savior but not many of them were men. Accepting God to them means they are weak. It's been a long battle and my battle is not over but on this night 17 men made a decision that will change their lives forever. It was truly an awesome night for me and I can't wait to go back and see their progress in their walk with the Lord.