What if you only had 30 days to live?

This morning on the Early Show there was a story about a community that is reading a book called "What if you only had 30 days to live?" It's a Christian book and although I have not read it based on what I heard it sounds worth reading. The moral of the story is what would you do if you were given that news?

What changes would you make in your life? Where would you go to? What would you want to see? How different would you live your life?

I challenge each of you to think about this a little? It made me think a lot this morning about myself, what I'm doing and what I need to do.

So I ask you...

Would you really fuss at your kids for being messy?

Would you argue with your husband about leaving the toilet seat up?

Would you take that trip you always wanted to take or would you use the money and go on a mission trip and lead people to the Lord?

Would you finally get up the nerve to share your faith with that relative that you have been praying for for years?

Really, what would you do? Would things that are so important today be the same tomorrow?

We go and go and go. All day long our lives are busy with things but if you truly thought you only had 30 days would your schedule change? Would you slow down and cherish every minute with your family and friends?

I bet you answered every question I ask with the same answers I did. Yes, Yes and Yes I would make major changes in my life.

Well this morning God told me to remind you of something. You are not promised tomorrow much less 30 days so live your life today as if it is your last.

That hits home really hard for me. I want to know that when I get to heaven God will say, My good and faithful servant, I am proud of you.

Am I doing what He would want of me to do while I am here on earth? Are you?

Examine your life and ask yourself, was that argument with your child today really worth arguing over? Was it really necessary to fuss about something you can't do a thing about now..?

Don't waist precious time on things that don't matter, instead, make every effort to focus on changing peoples lives for the best. Smile at the grouchy lady at Walmart and tell her God loves her. Call that parent you have not spoken to in years and make things right. Do your part and God will do his. I can truly say I have learned that lesson this week.

Just a thought for you to ponder on. What if you only had 30 days to live?

It's got me thinking, what about you?


Got Connections? I need them..

Since I have been home my mind is going 90 miles an hour. It's so hard going there and seeing so many needs and not have a way to meet them. All through the bible God used many people to help others. Combining the works of others has been his example.

I know I have brought this to your attention before but I am doing it again.  I need you to understand the importance of this and how bad it is needed.

I can continue doing what I am doing at a very slow pace or you can help me speed up this process. I came home with a sense of urgency. Time is running out for these people. God is coming back and it won't be life times away like it was for your ancestors.

Here's what I need.

I need churches, Sunday School classes, Youth Groups, Homeschool Groups, Boyscott Groups, Girl Scout Groups, Womens Ministries, if it's a group of people I need them.

If I had 12 groups that would be willing to do a yard sale, bake sale, a monthly donation, a yearly donation, something. It would make a huge difference.

There are so many churches that are not doing anything right now for missions because they feel they are too small but that is a lie from the devil. God can do anything with the willing.

Soon I will be collecting things for a summer trip or two and will need simple things like toothpaste and toothbrushes. We all go to the dentist. How many of you have ask your dentist for me sor far? Have you walked away and said, darn I forgot to ask for Angie again? I have been told by many of you that you are going to ask. So ASK... please. :)

There are so many little things we all can do to make a difference in someone's life if we are just willing to ask. Many doctors are willing to donate 10, 20 or even a 100 toothbrushes because they get them for free from vendors but if you don't ask them I can't get them. All they can do is say, No.

Are you in a homeschool group that needs a community service project? A teenager in Matthews did a collection at his basketball games and collect 2,000 pairs of new flip flops just because he was willing to hang a flyer and put out a collection box.

I know most are saying but the economy is so bad.  If you feel it's so bad that you can't donate a $1 pack of toothbrushes from the Dollar Tree then where is your faith? In the economy or in God? Don't mean to be strong about this but the truth is the truth. Christians right now who are scared about their future are putting their faith in a J O B not in God. Our economy issues are no surprise to God. He is not shaken by this. Is He not the same God yesterday when you had money, today when you don't and tomorrow when you need some? My God is.. (I am not just someone sitting back with tons of money and can't related to others. We are struggling just like the rest of you if not more so I do understand where all of you are coming from).

Sorry didn't mean to get on a soap box but now is the time for us to shine. The time for us to show the world that the God who created the universe will NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US.

So I need your connections? If you trust me and believe in what I am doing then help me. Talk to your child's daycare who love teaching kids about doing great things. Talk to your pastor and ask if he would be willing to sit down with me and just hear how they can get involved. It's not just about money. (Although without money nothing happens)

Please consider what projects this year could your group do? I have several I am working on and will need support to accomplish them. You have already been a huge part of changing peoples lives and I am grateful for your support. Can you do a little more?

Pray, ask God is there any thing you can do. Although having help monthly would be wonderful, I'll take just one time. God knows the need. He will supply and lead you in how you can help if you ask Him.

Thanks for listening.. Thanks for Praying.. and Thanks for Helping me Help Others.

Forgive me if my strong words offends you. I just don't want any of your believing in your job's paycheck or your lack of job. I just want you to know how much God loves you an how we wants your faith in Him and not in the world.


Accomplishments from July 2007 - Dec 2008

I thought it would be appropriate to let you guys know just what God has done through me this past year. I am starting in July since that's when God opened the door for me to go multiple times. I have provided links to the pictures of each project if you haven't had a chance to view the pictures. July 07 Took at team 6 to Nicaragua Feed 260 families beans, rice, corn, sugar and oil Distributed 2,000+ toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste Put shoes on 2,000 pairs of feet Handed out over 500+ other items like tote bags, baseball hats, fingernail polish, brushes, combs, fingernail clippers, soap, wash cloths etc. Played with over 1,000+ kids Repaired 25 homes with new roofs and coverings Ministered to 3 churches with drama, puppets, music and story telling. Shared the Gospel and showed God's love with several 1,000 people

August - 07 Started a Greeting Card business for the village of Torres - 36 families made home made greeting cards and I sold them here in the US for $10 per pack. Each family made 5 packs.

October - 07 Provided the 36 families each with $48 per family. This was at least 1/2 years to a years wages for most of these families. Officially started the adoption process for Carmen and Isamar Collected over 20,000 pieces of clothing, shoes, etc. for Hurricane Felix Relief and shipped it to Nicaragua Did the card project again and each family made another $30 each. This gave each family a $78 profit which was now a whole years salary or more.

December 07 Distributed 1800+ backpacks, school supplies and hygiene products through Ministries of His Glory to 9 villages.

January 08 Hired a translator to work for me full time to help me with the adoption and with other needs. Provided a way for him to continue to attend college

March 08 Finished adoption paperwork and turned it into Mi Familia. While I was there I researched areas that I could continue working in Somotillo. Provided all the girls at the House of Rose with new Easter Dresses and shoes and miscellaneous items like hair brushes, etc. April 08 Purchased soccer uniforms for 20 soccer players in Somotillo. Ministered to many families with different things like helping with their house, building supplies, tools, etc. Ministered at the House of Rose Orphanage - provided toys, coloring books, etc.

June 08 Took a team of  7 to Nicaragua Ministered in two new villages Feed 200+ families with beans, corn, sugar, rice and oil Distributed 1800+ pairs of shoes Distributed 1800+ toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, gospel tracts Played with 100+ kids Provided full uniforms, cleats, balls, bats, score books, and other equipment to my baseball team in Somotillo Ministered to House of Rose Orphanage with new fleece blankets

July 08 Raised money for a garden project in Coffradia Purchased irrigation systems Purchased seeds Fixed the bedroom for Oscar to come home from the hospital to - tiled the ceiling, bought an air conditioner, hired men to put on a door and seal the room from dust and dirt.

August 08 Went to Nicaragua and purchased shovels, hoes, additional seeds, other materials need to start the gardens like lime etc. for 36 families. Hired a teacher to teach the families how to grow their own food Built a house for an elderly family from funds donated by a wonderful family her in NC

There are many other things that took place this year but this article would be too long for any one to read if I listed them all.

I am amazed at the things God did this past year and half. I look back now and even I can't believe they happen. Why me? Why did God use  me to fulfill his work for these people? Why not, he tells me. You are willing and able and that's all it takes.

Some of these accomplishment could not have been done without the prayers and financial support of those reading this.

You should know that I have no other ongoing funding from anywhere. No church supports me finacially, no organizations support me. God provided the way this past year through the income from our second business and the financial support you have provided. I am so grateful for all of you reading this blog. You are the only ones I have as support right now and I pray that God returns every dollar back to you 100 fold and answers every prayer you have exceedingly, abundantly more than you even ask for. 

As you know we are in a business that is not a priority during this recession. People don't have to have pictures. Our photography business has been hit hard and our second business has gone from doing very well to almost non-existent.

In order to continue working for the Lord in Nicaragua I will have to have access to finances other than my own.

I need your help to do that. Here are suggestions on how you can help me raise more support.

1. Commit to praying faithfully for this ministry to grow and be provided all it needs. 2.Are you in a Sunday School Class? A Women's Group? A Homeschool Group? - do a fundraiser once or twice a year and donate that money to missions. Ask them if I can come and speak to them about missions. 3. A yard sale, a bake sale, a spaghetti dinner 4. Take up a weekly offering in your class. Do you know that $10 a month is $120 a year and can provide a new roof for a house that is full of holes or it can buy 240 pairs of new shoes... 5. Go to your pastor and ask if they would be willing to meet with me and partner with me for support. It can be only  agreeing  to do a yard sale in the summer or they will take one offering a year. Anything is better than nothing. 6. Collect change - Have a designated jar for change for Missions in your house and get all your kids involved. What a great lesson for them to learn each time they put money in that jar. 7.Youth Car Wash -get your youth pastor involved and get the teens to do something positive on a Saturday. 8. Give up Pizza one time this month - $20 will go a long way in Nicaragua 9. Make a committment to give something toward sharing the Gospel. 10.Due it.. During these times is when missionaries are hurt the most. People have a hard time giving, even if it's just a little.

There are so many ways we all can do something for the kingdom of God. Most are already in some form or fashion and that's great. Please continue.  Regardless if you support what I am doing or you support someone else, just do it..It takes a lot of money to go on trips and bless families. It's a very costly endeavor but together if we all do our part there is enough to go around.

Please consider helping me with this months' trip. There are still a huge need and as always I am trusting God to provide. No amount is too small. Remember it's a group effort and a little plus a little adds up to a lot.

Thank you for your continued support and I know God will bless you more than you can imagine for your obedience.

God Bless,


Excitement at it's best...

This video has gone around for a long time but every time I watch it I just jump for joy inside. Having a visually impaired child and knowing the struggles of life, seeing this child have the dream of his life come true in a few minutes gives me hope for Logan's future.

Check it out. It's a story about an autistic child who scores 20 points in his first basketball game. It will bless your heart.

Click on the link below to watch.

20 Point Game

God is amazing in how he creates us. No matter how we come out, we are perfect and whole in His eyes.


What's your relationship like?

The Lord showed me something last week and it would be wrong to keep it to myself. All of us have someone we are close to, someone in our lives that we can't imagine life without. Our husbands, our children, parents, best friend. Someone.

Imagine your relationship with that someone. How many times a day do you think of them? How many times do you talk to them everyday?

What would happen if you changed how much you talked to them every day? What would happen to your relationship?

Mine is my husband so for the sake of example I will use him. You replace him with your special person.

Imagine that when I get up in the morning I talk to him for about 10 minutes, again later for 30 seconds, then another time for 30 seconds and then at about 10:00 or 11:00 that night I give me a "Hunny Do List" full of things I want and I need.

Imagine this is our relationship every day. Day after day this is our life. What would happen to it? What would happen to your realtionship? Would it grow? Would it fall apart?

Well mine would. Terry would expect more than a 10 minute conversation, and a few hello's and that "To Do List" would really push him over his limit..

Is this how your relationship works now? No?

What about your relationship with God?

How is it different?

We wake up and praise him for another day, spend time doing our devotion for 10 or 15 minutes. Pray before breakfast, pray before lunch and dinner and then we go to bed praying for our friends, our family, and asking for things we want God to do for us. Of course there are some exceptions in there like on Sunday's. Heck we go to church and pray and praise that day and don't say another word until bedtime when we give him that "To-Do List" again.

Why do we make sure we work at our relationships with our husbands, etc. but don't work on our our relationship with the very person who died for us and gave his life so we can have eternal life. He gave up everything for us and we spend very little time having a relationship with him. Wonder why he doesn't just give up on us like our "special other" would give up on us?

We were created to be a "Friend of God", How is your relationship with him? Is it as close as that "special one"?

I'm going to be working on mine, what about you?

Something to think about,
