December Trip Updated - Reposted

I am having blog problems today so if you have gotten this multiple times I am very sorry. Finally I found time to update you on my December trip but first I have to apologize that I don't have a lot of  pictures for you. A few weeks ago while I was working on a presentation for my church my hard drive crashed and I lost all my Nicaragua pictures from 2009 until now. I was and am devastated at this lost. The drive is currently at a repair place and they are estimating $510 to fix it. If they can it will be worth every dime but for now I only know they looking at it.

The trip in December was awesome as usual. My Pastors wife and I blessed a lot of kids and a lot of family members.

I don't have pictures of all the kids receiving their food and uniforms but I have some. In the pictures you will see some of the kids with two large black bags. One bag is their uniforms, school supplies and shoes and the other bag is food.  Click here to view those pictures.

We also blessed both communities with their favorite foods. Ceibita received a rice dish that comes with chicken in it and some vegetables and Pala Grande wanted fried chicken, rice and salad. We played games with both communities and just enjoyed the day. Click here to view those pictures.

One of the best moments for me was to drive up and see the first structure of a church. Someone purchased the land for the community and the local church paid for the metal structure to be built. Now all we need are the walls, doors and windows. We are trusting God for resources to purchase the much needed materials to complete this church. It will truly be a dream come true for me. Here's a picture of the structure. img_05511

Most of you will remember my driver Antonio who I have been trying to bless with a new house for some time now. He and his brother are building his house to cut the labor cost down which is a huge blessing. I need to raise an additional 2,000 to finish the house and $800 of that for him to be able to move in now.  I am thanking God now that He will provide soon for the remaining amount. Click here to view those pictures. The pig is his neighbor who thinks he lives at the front of his house.

If you would like to see how people live in this community check out the pictures of one of the houses in Ceibita. This is a typical house. It's a mud house made from a little mud, a little cement and straw. It attacks every spider you can imagine and is like living in a cellar. Rainy season is horrible for them because it's moldy and stinks when the mud gets wet not to mention how the structure gets weaker and weaker over time. The family who owns the second house you will see will be getting a new home soon thanks to my Pastor and his wife who are the sponsors of the two kids who live in it. We are so blessed to live in homes that don't leak rivers and spiders don't eat insects off the wall all day and night. Click here to view those pictures.

On a current note:

Two weeks ago I was blessed to put tons of things on a container and send it to Nicaragua. Tickets are purchased and in March I will go and see my kids again. This trip I will be having a birthday party for all the kids with cake, decorations, pinata's, games and music and most important presents for every child.  This will be the first party any of these kids have ever had. I can't wait to make it special for them. In addition to gifts for the kids I will be able to bless the orphanage with a new freezer and many great things to help them.  Looking forward to ministering to many people in March.

I can't believe it's already February 2013. I can't wait to see what God has planned for this year. Every year He continues to amaze me.

Prayer Needs: There are some specific things I need right now. Thank you in advance for seeking God on our behalf.

1. I have several students who want to go to college that I still don't have sponsors for.

2. Provision to finish Antonio's House.

3. Provision to finish the church walls

4. $1600 to buy Pastor Arturo a motorcycle.

5. Partners willing to sow on a monthly basis and churches I can speak at

As always thanks to each of you for sowing into my life this past year and I know God has great plans for 2013.

Angie & Terry Honeycutt

2013.. A New Year for God to show off

In a few hours it will be 2013. What happen to 2012? This year was a really hard year for my family. I won't lie I am glad to see it gone. God blessed us in many ways and I know 2013 will just get better. I pray it is your best year ever..

I am working on pictures today and tomorrow and hope to have them updated on my site for you to see how the December trip went.

The kids has a great time receiving their school packages and their gifts for Christmas. I have gotten word from the orphanage that they too were very happy with their new clothes, shoes and toys for Christmas.

The Lord has opened a door for me to send items to Nicaragua on a container this January and I am still in need of some items. Could you please check your "junk" and see if they can become my "treasures". If so I need them by January 11th and no a day later. (Have to get things loaded that weekend).

1. Stainless Steel pots and pans for the Orphanage.

2. Reel Lawn movers, the kind you push and have no engine. (Thanks Alan for the one I have already)

3. Adult Small or Medium boys/men's shirts (new or very very close to new) (Can no longer send anything used through a container)

4. Plastic store containers with lids. (any sizes)

5.  Spanish Bibles

6.  Tarps ( the blue kind) large sizes preferred

7. Kids Rated G or PG Spanish DVD movies (must have Spanish Language written on them, not subtitles) new or used

8. Small Deep Freezer.

9. 2 Digital Cameras

10. Money to buy these things. (If you would like to buy any of these things just contact me for more info)

If you have any of these items and are willing to donate them just let me know and we will work on getting together to get them.

For all the Operation Education parents if you are planning on sending your child a care package I need it by January 11th. I have letters I am working on sending out to you from your kids. Please send one back to them if possible but make sure it is translated in Spanish. You can use Google Translate.

Thanks so much for all the prayers and support in 2012. We accomplished a lot for the Kingdom of God you should be proud, I know God is. Can't wait to see what He is going to do this year...

More to come..


The bags of uniforms waiting to be distributed.


December 2012 Trip

We have been in Nicaragua for three days already.. Time is going so fast this trip. We visited the community of Ceibita today and blessed the community with a traditional meal. It will be for most the only meat they will get until I feed them again.

We also played some fun games with the kids and even had a couple of clowns tell them an awesome story.

I have sponsored several baseball teams in the years and I have never been here when one is playing until today.  They even won their game with a tie breaking slide into home for the finish. It was awesome!!!!

Tomorrow we will distribute the Operation Education kids with their uniforms and back packs along with school supplies. We will also be giving out 100 pair of new shoes, t-shirts, and candy.

On Tuesday we will bless the community of Pala Grande with the same items as Ceibita and at night we will bless them with ice cream and a movie.. Can't wait..

On Wednesday our day will be consumed by the orphanage. I personally can't wait for this one because I have some nice things for them. They are struggling right now and need some encouragement..they are going to love their new DVD player. Thanks so much Kim..

Thursday will be a rest day and tourist day to show my Pastor's wife around Managua.

Friday we will head home.

Please cover us in prayer as we minister to these kids. Today we prayed for a teenager named Acner who has what looks like a tumor on his neck. He goes to the hospital in the morning to get the results of the biopsy. We commanded that lump to go and we expect it to obey. Agree with us that God is the only doctor he will ever need to see.

The  sole reason we are here  is to show these people how much God loves them. Pray this week they will see Jesus through us.

Blessings to all...


Jewelry Sale!! December 2nd

For those of you who live near me I wanted to let you know I am having a jewelry sale on Sunday, December 2nd from 2:30 - 4:30. It's a drop-in so feel free to come when you can. It will be held at;  East Belmont Church of God  320 Catawba Street Belmont, NC  28012

All proceeds will go directly to helping the Foundation of Life Orphanage.

Prices range from $5 - $10. Cash and Checks accepted.

Where are you going to find a unique present for that special one for prices like that and be able to bless a group of wonderful childrenat the same time..

If you do not live in my area please pray for the outcome of this sale. I need to raise as much money as I can since I will be leaving for Nicaragua the following Friday.

God Bless all of you and thanks again for your support.


*call me if you need any further info. 704-236-5550

Foundation for Life Orphanage

For those of you who have been a part of this ministry for a long time you will remember this place and for the new ones let me introduce it to you. From 2004 until December 7th 2008 I was working at an orphanage called Hogar de Rose. The House of Rose in English. During this time I fell deep in love with on average about 17 little girls. Even my Francis came from this orphanage.

In December 2008 due to reasons that make no since the orphanage was closed and the current 17 girls were disbursed to many different places. This caused great devastation in my heart. I cried on and off for months. These girls had become my family and the thought of never seeing them again and not saying Goodbye tore my heart into pieces.

In the summer of 2009 I went to Nicaragua in hopes of finding some of these kids again. I contacted the DSS offices and begged for their help and was blessed to get information on where the children had gone. In the very city I was at an orphanage called Foundation for Life was holding 5 of the 17. 5 cousins. The other children were spread across many cities and placed back into the horrible homes they were removed from.

With permission I was given the opportunity to visit the kids in the new orphanage. I will never forget that day. I hide around the corner as I heard the director tell my 5 little friends someone was there to visit them. Immediately I heard them ask was it Angie. My heart was filled with great joy knowing I had impacted their lives so much that out of all the people they could have guessed was there to see them they choose me.  Within minutes I had my little girls in my arms and them telling me "I knew you would find us".

Since then the director of the orphanage has allowed me to be a part of their lives and the lives of the other children. Ironically the directors name is Angela and she speaks English which is a huge blessing for me.

Last night I spoke to her and for the first time heard a great heaviness in her voice. The orphanage is funded by a large organization out of Canada and apparently they are having financial struggles and have not met the orphanages budget needs for this past month. You can't just stop sending money to a home with 24 kids and 6 adults. That's not an option.

The orphanage grows a large part of their food and they sell bread to raise extra money and right now are doing ok but are concerned about the coming months. Please pray with me that I am able to connect them with organizations in Nicaragua that can help offset their monthly food budget. I will be working on that first thing on Monday.

The orphanage has some other needs that I feel led to share with you. I have lived by faith and the approach that if you don't ask you don't get. Who knows what other people may have laying around in their garages or may know someone that has the items needed. I don't but God does and He has a perfect plan for the Foundation of Life Orphanage.

Below is a list of items that the orphanage needs to purchase but are using their resources to ensure the children are feed instead. If you have these items new or used please let me know as soon as possible. I would like to get this stuff on the container in January.  I know these items are not typically things laying around your house but you just never know. Let's watch God's plan come together.

Items Needed:

1. A small freezer - around 7 to 10 cubit feet. They don't want a large one because of the cost of electricity to run it.

2. A commercial gas stove - similar to one that would be used in a church but a little bigger than one in a house.

3. A Rotary Push Mower - she needs several of these actually. They live on a big farm and can't afford the gas for a push mower.

4.Stainless Steel Pots and Pans - commercial size, heavy duty - like the ones used at a church, hospital or nursing home. When cooking for 30 people every meal I am sure the larger the better.

All of these items are extremely hard to get in Nicaragua and extremely expensive.

Please keep your eyes and ears open. Share this with others. You never know what business may be changing their equipment and would donate them or maybe a school is getting rid of old pots. Nothing would surprise me with God.

Please keep these kids and the directors in your prayers. None of the children can be adopted. This will be their home and family for the rest of their lives. Angela and her husband have given up everything to take care of these kids, they are wonderful Christian people.

These kids deserve to have a safe home, lots of love and food to eat. Pray for provision to come to this wonderful group of people. While I am in Nicaragua I will be blessing them with many items of clothing and some money for food and I am hoping with good news that someone will be helping them on a regular basis.

God Bless all of you and thanks in advance for your help,


Here's a picture of the my buddies.
