Can you imagine 3 adults and 1 child sleeping in a full size bed together every night? I would never get any sleep like that. I have got to have sufficient room to get comfortable. I am so blessed and spoiled.. The young lady in this picture was asked in August if she could have anything what would she ask for and unlike American teenagers who would have asked for a car, or cell phone or shopping spree she ask for a bed. Yes a bed.
Needless to say once her sponsor heard this she was dead set on making sure that for Christmas she in fact received that bed.
I am blessed to have people in Nicaragua who I can count on to go shopping for me before I arrive so when I get there all I have to do is load the bed and deliver it. The entire family will gain by having this bed not just the young lady that received it. Everyone in the home was excited for her.
All the sponsors of the Operation Education project have the opportunity to bless their kids. It brings great joy to my heart to be the middle wo"man".